Step 1: Navigate to Prompts

Click “Prompts” in the left sidebar after choosing your project.

Step 2: Create a New Prompt

  1. Click on the Create new prompt button.
  2. Give it a Name: Choose a descriptive name for your prompt.
  3. (Optional) Add Details: Provide a short description.
  4. Set the Stage: Write a system instruction to guide the AI’s initial response.

Step 3: Craft Your Prompt

Structure: A prompt contains a system instruction & user message.

  1. The System instruction set the role and goal and high level context.

  2. The user message will specify the details such as input data format, output format instructions, rules and tones.

  3. The user message supports variables. Variables incorporate custom variables surrounded by double curly braces, like {{ customized_type }} .

  • Variables act as placeholders for values you’ll provide later. When using the prompt, provide the specific value you want to insert for the variable.
  • When running an experiment, the variables will be automatically inserted from your query set.

Step 4: Try out the prompt in Playground

  1. Choose API, model and parameters.
  2. Fill the variables with test values. The variables will be incorporated into the “user message” and you can review the message in the “Input Preview” box.
  3. Click Run button.